710 SW 12th Ave Miami, Fl 33130
(305) 854-5019
Miami POA FOP Logo


Miami POA


Why Give Locally?

Here's what your donation can do:

Support officers in your city

Support from residents and businesses will go toward supporting officers in your city. It will encourage them, help them in times of need and dramatically improve morale within their ranks.

Help fallen officers and their families

Your support will also help fallen officers and their families in your local community and across the nation. Help during devastating events such as these is critical for our officers and their loved ones.

Support community programs

Community programs such as scholarships, Little League support and officer-led activities are also directly impacted by your donation. Without your support, many of these crucial programs would not exist within our community.

Who We Are

Miami POA FOP Lodge 20 consists of the finest brave men and women who work day and night to proudly protect the city of Miami and our residents, businesses, and visitors.

Representing members of the largest municipal police department in Florida, we work endlessly to ensure they receive the highest level training, support, and equipment necessary to serve our city.

Donating today brings us one step closer to providing our community with the protection, care, and engagement our residents have come to expect.

Your support is a constant reminder that we're not working alone, but together, and through our joint efforts we will continue to take our community to new heights.

Thank you as always for your support and contributions.

Our Goals

  1. Partner with our Miami community to provide top tier quality police services to ensure the safety of our neighborhood.
  2. Engage actively with community members to create an open dialogue and an atmosphere based on mutual respect so that we better understand the needs of our residents.
  3. Invest in local organizations and charitable causes so that together we can help create opportunities that our youth deserve for a better tomorrow.

Latest News

  • Crime Prevention
    02 April 2020
    Simple Crime Prevention: Anyone can be a target of even the simplest of crimes. Here are some tips to keep you safe...
Join Miami POA FOP Lodge 20 in our various causes and subscribe to our newsletter for all the latest updates and be a part of our community.

Board Members

Felix Del Rosario


Mathew Reyes


Emilio Palacios

Inner Guard

Fabio Sanchez

Outer Guard

Reinaldo Tejera


Hector Herrera


Daniel De Los Santos


Herbie Altman


Immediate Past Tommy Reyes


Show your Support!

Each year we strive to donate not only money, but also time, throughout the community to benefit numerous charities, groups, and national organizations.

To help us better serve you and our community we share, please feel free to join our mission by participating in any of our events or donating toward our cause.